Storefront Stories: Jackie McGrady, Business Operation Manager, Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce
Storefront Stories: Jackie McGrady, Business Operation Manager, Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce

Storefront Stories: Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce - Celebrating Women's History Month Spotlights
In honor of Women's History Month, we’re spotlighting #ACKChamber Women-Owned Businesses, Entrepreneurs, and Leaders! We asked Jackie McGrady, Business Operation Manager, here at the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce a few questions, these are her answers!
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself?
A: I was raised on Nantucket and left when I was 17 to further my education and pursue my vocation. I returned shortly after my second child was born so I could raise my two children here. I love Nantucket; my extended family is here, and this has always been home for me. I’m really happy to be home.
Q. What tips or advice do you have for other women in business?
A: My career trajectory has been a bit haphazard, so I don’t know if I am the best person to give advice! I guess I would say don’t be afraid to try something just because you have never done it before. You might love it and be great at it!
Q. What mantra do you live by?
A: Every day is a new opportunity to show kindness to someone, to lift someone up.
Q: Who is the most influential woman in your life and why?
A: Without a doubt my daughter is the most influential woman in my life. She is courageous, empathetic, strong, and so incredibly intelligent. In short, she is an inspiration. I try to do everything I can to make the world a better place to live in for her and for the next generations.
Q. Why do you think it's important to support other women?
A: We all need each other in this life. Life is all about being there for each other. Every time another woman succeeds or breaks a barrier, it is a gain for us all. Historically women have been overlooked for promotions or not hired for jobs based on the fact that they are women. We need to do what we can to help one another succeed. And truly, I have found when I can help someone else it’s just good for me. I feel happier and experience greater life satisfaction when I know I have made a difference for another person.
Q: To what do you attribute your success?
A: Success is a strange word! I try to be open to new ideas and perspectives and I look for opportunities to connect with others; I think this has served me well in my work and my life.
Q: What have you most enjoyed about working with the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce?
A: I love being a part of the team at the Chamber. Each one of us supports the others and we all contribute to the success of every venture. I also love the fact that I am learning all the time.