Storefront Stories: Stacey Leuliette, The Scout Guide - Nantucket
Storefront Stories: Stacey Leuliette, The Scout Guide - Nantucket

Storefront Stories: Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce - Celebrating Women's History Month Spotlights
In honor of Women's History Month, we’re spotlighting #ACKChamber Women-Owned Businesses, Entrepreneurs, and Leaders! We asked Stacey Leuliette of The Scout Guide - Nantucket a few questions, these are her answers!
Q: Tell us a bit about your business?
A: I founded Leuliette Media over 5 years ago when I bought my first Scout Guide, now I am the largest publisher for The Scout Guide and have built a business in the digital creator and branded content space as well. I also have an interior design business on the side that I started 15 years ago.
Q: How did last year challenge you as a businesswoman, if at all?
A:The Pandemic was challenging for all small business owners in different ways. Some of my markets grew and expanded while others across the country struggled to get back to ‘business as usual’. Often in moments of challenge, the greatest moments of growth happen. During the pandemic, we saw a huge opportunity for beautifully curated digital content and the pandemic accelerated that growth for us!
Q. What tips or advice do you have for other women wanting to start their own business?
A: Always be curious, Dream big and believe in yourself! Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart and it doesn’t happen alone. It takes passion, dedication, courage, determination, drive and lots of heart! Believe in yourself and Surround yourself with people who know and can help you execute your vision
Q. What mantra do you live by?
A: There are two…’Start each day with a grateful heart’, it’s hard to be upset when you are grateful and ‘There’s enough sunshine on the island for everyone’ I’m an island girl, i’ve spent most of my adult life between two very special islands and have learned, in life and in work , life is too short for jealously, comparison and contention.
Q: How do you balance owning a business and your personal life?
A: It’s a very delicate dance! Running your own business, especially in the first few years requires a lot of focus, time and sacrifice. That being said, I know that to be my best self for my team, my clients and loved ones that I need to take care of me so I can be there for everyone else. Mental Health is a huge priority for me and i make time everyday whether its yoga or rollerblading or riding a bike to make sure I keep my head in the right spot. Usually a moving meditation does the trick!
Q: Who is the most influential woman in your life and why?
A: I have had the most wonderful mentors in my life and career, but no one will ever surpass the influence my mother has had on me. I get most of my business acumen from my father and I’m grateful for that, but my mothers loving kindness, strength and faith has taught me more and been the most wonderful guiding light for me.
Q. Why do you think it's important to support other women?
A: Being a leader is about serving others. A rising tide lifts all boats. I have had so many wonderful women in my life who helped guide me to where I am today and I am forever grateful! It’s always important to give back
Q: To what do you attribute your success?
A: I am originally from the Midwest (Michigan) so I have work ethic and sensibility. My personality is very determined and driven and I am very lucky to be raised by two wonderful parents who supported me in everything i do and instilled in me the importance of goals, ambition and self purpose. That being said, this is not a one woman show, I have an incredible team and could not do any of this without them!
Q: What can we expect next from you?
A: I am always working on something! Right now, I’m focused on the digital aspect of my business both with my four guides and in the creator economy, as the publishing industry has changed tremendously over the past few years. I’m also working on building my team so I can take a step back from the day to day and focus on other roles I’ve wanted in life.